Personal Injury attorney Mission Valley: What you must not say to an insurance adjuster?

When communicating with an insurance adjuster in a personal injury case, it's important to be cautious about what you say. Insurance adjusters work for the insurance company, and their primary goal is to minimize the amount of money the insurance company needs to pay out for your claim. A personal injury attorney Mission Valley can offer you guidance as to how to deal with the insurance adjuster. Here are some things one must avoid saying in front of an insurance adjuster: Admitting fault Even if you believe you might have contributed to the accident, avoid admitting fault or taking full responsibility. Determining fault is a complex process that involves investigation and legal analysis. Speculating or guessing Stick to the facts you are certain about. Avoid speculating about the details of the accident or the extent of your injuries. Providing inaccurate or uncertain information could potentially harm your claim. Downplaying your injuries Don't minimize the s...